Curated Links


Excellent site created by my associate PageofWords that provides a primer on the various aspects of magick in easily digestible yet thorough portions.
Alley Wurds
A highly skilled technomancer with a huge body of work that is all of the highest quality. Highly recommend their content.
Moebius the Time Streamer
Long Term Support
Anti-Capitalist Archive


Chaos Tarot App
The most useful chaos magick multitool available online.
Chaos Matrix
Old repository of chaos magick articles from yesteryear. Lots of good information on here.
Sigil Engine
An excellent sigil generator.
Gematrix Gematria Calculator
A gematria calculator that calculates the value of any input word or statement in both Hebrew and English Gematria. Also provides a list of other words that have that same value.


Cafe Astrology
Excellent site that calculates birth charts, gives an in-depth look at them, and provides good info on the various dtaspects of astrology.
Astro Seek
Similar to Cafe Astrology. Calculates birth charts and gives an in-depth look at it. Provides excellent info, has daily horoscopes and other neat info like who shares your signs.

AI Chatbots

The original AI chatbot we've all come to know and love.
Design your own character based chatbots. Great for creating a magickal assistant to bounce ideas off.

Free Software

A free audio editing software.
Visual Studio Code
A free code editing software that shows you real time updates and has a number of excellent plug ins.
An amazing free graphic design software that has so many useful features. By far one of my all time favorite design tools.