Archive of Content

Written Content

A collection of my written content ranging from articles to insights to lists. All provided as either .txt or Markdown converted to HTML.

Date File Name Description
3/15/2024 Transcending Theory: Exploring Practical Use of the Five Models A detailed analysis of the five models of magick and their practical application.
1/31/2024 Obsessions: A Look at the Demonic Entity pt. 1 A poetic look at the class of demonic entity known as an Obsession from both a modern and historic view.
2/5/2024 Cyber-Slicing: A Modern Look at the Classic Technique of the Cut Up An article detailing how to take a modern, tecnnomantic approach to the traditional chaos magick technique known as the cut up.
2/13/2024 Daemonium Arcanum A loosely formed collection of servitors and sigils.
8/5/2023 The Ne0-Christ T3achings A long, pedantic ramble I wrote up months ago while fucked up based on a modern viewing of Christianity and using it in your practice despite it being blasphemous.
1/25/2024 A Selection of Quotes An unorganized list of quotes I enjoy.

Occult Book Collection

Drive Description
Occult Library A massive collection full of all sorts of occult content. Browse and download to your heart's content.

Video Content

Channel Description
Technomancy Supplier Where I post my hypersigils, video tutorials, and other content for the chaos current.


Title Description
Liminal Distortion Radio A technomancy podcast I produce. Currently only available on Spotify.

Liminal Distortion System

The Liminal Distortion System (LDS) is the system of magick I've been developing that seeks to create a more modern system incorporating things such as chaos magick, technomancy, and thoughtforms.

Title Description
Liminal Distortion Network The hypersigil network of the LDS that creates an interconnected web of sigils and servitors to draw power on and send magick through.
Gnosis Script A brief primer on the imaginary occult coding language.