
I go by many names, but my primary moniker is Yaxel the Manic.
I am a creator and archivist for the occult community, specifically for the chaos magick paradigm. I am an obsessive chaote with a penchant for technomancy who loves to write, draw, and just simply create content for the community that is provided free of charge always.
I just hope others find it useful.
I am a 30 year old queer anarchist who aligns chaotic neutral. My practice is a daily endeavour, without a day going by I don't do something related to my magickal practice. I am either writing new articles, doing divination, performing rituals, working on my systems, or something.
I'm always working.

Besides occultism and chaos magick I enjoy many things such as philosophy, web design (novice but learning), programming (same as before), graphic design, audio editing, and many other areas.
I am extremely neurospicy along with having a diagnosis of Bipolar Type 1 Disorder and a bunch of other minor diagnoses that make up the mentally hilarious concoction that is my mind.
I am a big fan of abstract thinking applied logically, and of redefining old paradigms in a modern context.

I am a technomancer. I cast magick and perform divination with the assistance of modern digital tools. The techniques I use are mainly of my own creation, and you can find guides on those techniques within the archives.
Technomancy is the modern day's most prominent magickical development, with the methodology barely being written about at this point. Those of us practicing now and developing it, helping it progress into a full fledged system, are pioneers of occultism, forerunners to the next great occult technique.
